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One 4 U Amazon Games Best of 2015: Super Mario Maker holt sich den Titel

Dieses Thema im Forum "Allgemeines" wurde erstellt von Lunte, 23. Dez. 2015.

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  1. [​IMG]
    Das Jahr neigt sich langsam aber sicher dem Ende und überall schießen Wertungen und Jahresrückblicke aus dem Boden, so auch beim Versandriesen Amazon.

    Das Ranking ist wie folgt,
    1. Super Mario Maker
    2. Fallout 4
    3. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
    4. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
    5. Cities Skylines
    6. Bloodborne
    7. Batman: Arkham Knight
    8. Life is Strange
    9. Splatoon
    10. Rocket League
    Die Redakteure zeichnen die Wii U Spiele besonders aus, weil sie Genre übergreifend jedermann begeistern können und heben gerade bei Super Mario Maker das vielfältige Gameplay hervor.
    Super Mario Maker ist das beste Spiel um seine Fantasie spielen zu lassen und sich knackigen Herausforderungen zu stellen heisst es weiter. Die anderen Spiele im Ranking bleiben nicht kommentarlos, mehr dazu bekommt ihr im Spoiler.

    10. Rocket League
    Soccer plus rocket powered cars: most game developers probably wouldn’t have written a design doc around this concept, but Rocket League is not exactly like most games. In Rocket League, players drive cars around a field, attempting to play a 2-on-2 game of soccer. Goals are scored by hitting a ball into a goal….with your car. The premise sounds very odd, but over the past year, players couldn’t deny the addictive, competitive multiplayer experience that Rocket League delivers. It’s little wonder that the game is already becoming a staple of the esports scene.

    9. Splatoon

    Splatoon takes the oft controversial and criticized shooter genre and creates a fascinatingly fun experience for gamers of all ages. From the ink roller to the multiple upgrades for the basic splat gun, Splatoon continually offers players one surprise after another. The game’s dynamic the multiplayer invites gamers to play the game in unique ways, unseen in the FPS genre. Do you like camping and hiding as a squid ready to explode out of the ink? Or are you a bulldozer whose sole purpose is to ink role an entire level? Either way, each Squid has a role and Splatoon is easily one of the most fun shooters that has come out in recent memory.

    8. Life is Strange
    From developer DontNod, Life is Strange is the kind of game that sticks with you long after playing it. From its soundtrack that makes you feel like you’re watching an indie movie to its use of sci-fi elements like time-travel - the game exudes style. Pair this along with some extremely tough emotional choices and you have an unforgettable experience. With a story that mixes time-travel with a quest to reconnect with your best friend, Life is Strange proves that, sometimes, life is… weird.

    7. Batman: Arkham Knight
    The third and final chapter in the Arkham series from developer Rocksteady is an adept finale for one of the great gaming franchises of the last decade. The introduction of the Batmobile adds another gameplay element to go along with the mix of puzzles, brawling, and detective work required to navigate a sprawling and artfully crafted Gotham City. With a storyline that echoes hauntingly across Batman’s past while pulling his few remaining allies into harm’s way, you too feel the weight, demands and isolation that comes with being the Dark Knight. Soaring high across the night sky while Gotham rages below feels like an all-too-brief reprieve from the many trails Batman must face this night.

    6. Bloodborne
    Remember back to the last time you walked alone through an unfamiliar town. You weren’t quite sure where to find what you needed, but every new corner brought a tinge of mystery and discovery. Bloodborne feels a lot like that, plus werewolves. Whether you are familiar with From Software’s unique flavor of action-RPG from Dark Souls or are tasting its bittersweet gauntlet for the first time, Bloodborne offers a challenge for the experienced while streamlining many of its spiritual successors’ complexities for the uninitiated. Although the difficulty of its dungeons and the subtlety of its storytelling ask a lot of its audience, those who emerge victorious from Bloodborne’s deep recesses are rewarded with a firm sense of accomplishment . . . and a strong, fearful respect for the full moon.

    5. Cities Skylines
    Cities Skylines singlehandedly reinvigorated the city building simulation genre, delivering what fans have wanted for years. Addictive gameplay offers hours of entertainment in large, sandbox style maps that present different challenges and opportunities. An actively supported and dedicated modding community ensures the type of replayability that pays for the game many times over. Skylines is the type of game where you look up at the clock whilst building your city’s ingenious transportation system only to realize that it’s suddenly 3AM. Spend hours at home playing the adult version of LEGOs…just don’t get stuck in traffic.

    4. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
    The Phantom Pain is game creator Hideo Kojima’s swan song for the entire Metal Gear franchise. In development for over five years, MGS V has some of the most complex AI seen yet in gaming. What kind of game lets you trick enemies into thinking someone is using a port-a-potty by playing a audio of someone's…um…stomach issues? MGS V is that game. With its willingness to give the player freedom to approach a situation with many options, a cerebral storyline (Is D-Dog a dog or a wolf?), and its amazing 80’s soundtrack, The Phantom Pain is an instant classic.

    3. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
    In a post-Skyrim gaming landscape, publishers and developers around the world have been making games that try to immerse gamers in the “next big” open-world experience. Leave it to the fiercely independent team at CD Projeckt Red to take the open-world RPG to bigger and better heights with The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. In The Witcher 3, players experience the epic conclusion to the story of Geralt of Rivia. And while players do experience the story of Geralt, the world that CDP has built is full of the types of surprises, stories, and choices that truly create a unique experience from player to player.

    2. Fallout 4
    Every year, there are one or two games that come out that make the entire gaming industry pause for a minute and pay attention. Fallout 4, Bethesda’s latest entry in its post-apocalyptic RPG franchise, is one of those games. The beauty of Fallout 4 can be described in many ways: its epic scale, its memorable characters, the way it empowers players to play the game nearly any way they want to – all of these things combined create an infinitely rewarding experience for gamers of all types. Moreover, the game’s wry sense of humor keeps the game grounded in a very real sense of humanity, adding to the believability of what players are experiencing on-screen. Fallout 4 is one of the “must-play” games of 2015.

    1. Super Mario Maker
    2015 was a great year for Nintendo, with Splatoon, Yoshi’s Wooly World, and Xenoblade Chronicles X. But their standout game of 2015 and our game of the year was Super Mario Maker. The game is built on two distinct (but connected) experiences: 1) make your own custom Mario levels, and then 2) share and play those levels with friends and the broader Super Mario Maker community. Nintendo gave players all of the tools to play out their childhood fantasies and make the Mario levels they’ve always dreamed about. The game sparks players’ creativity and lets imagination roam free – all while letting users share their creations with each other. Few games have ever given you that true freedom to “create and play” and, in this sense, Nintendo captured the spirit of gaming.

    Wir möchten von euch wissen, wie ihr zum Ranking steht.

    Quelle: amazon.com

    Lunte der Edelrüde

    Registriert seit:
    3. Nov. 2014
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  2. Kommentare (6)
  3. Freu mich auf Cities Skylines auf der Konsole :D

    Ansonsten überraschend natürlich Rocket League, aber völlig verdient und schön wirds auf der X1. Metal Gear ist einfach garnicht meins, und auf der Wii hauen natürlich Splatoon und Mario ordentlich rein. Witcher war auch eins meiner Highlights dieses Jahr und Fallout liegt noch ziemlich jungfräulich im Regal ;)
  4. Kein "Ruf der Pflicht" in einer Games-of-the-year-Liste. Frechheit. :rolleyes:
  5. Ein wenig wundert mich Batman und splatoon!
    Hatte mir das genau andersrum vorgestellt .
  6. Wieso das? Batman Arkham Knight war doch wohl mehr als genial! :banana:

    - gesendet aus der One-4-U App
  7. Aber nicht für die PC Fraktion. ;)
  8. mir gefällt splatoon besser.
    Batman will ich zwar auch noch zocken.
    Aber erst in 6-10 Monaten!
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