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One Xbox One: Neues Preview Update bringt das Leaderboard zurück

Dieses Thema im Forum "Apps und Firmware" wurde erstellt von Unbekannt, 29. Jan. 2016.

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  1. [​IMG]
    Für alle Mitglieder des Preview-Programms gibt es seit vergangener Nacht ein neues Firmware Update. Dieses bringt neben den üblichen Bugfixes auch noch einige Neuerungen mit sich. So könnt Ihr wie bereits schon berichtet, Eure Pins frei Platzieren, und auch das Gamerscore Leaderboard ist zurück.

    Habt Ihr Eure Pins schon umgesteckt?


    OS version released: th2_xb_rel_1602.160125-1900
    Available: 6:00PM PST 1/28 (2:00AM GMT 29/1)

    New Features:

    Move Pins
    You can now move and reorganize pins on your Xbox One dashboard. To do this, highlight a pin and press the Y button, or, highlight a pin and press the Menu button, then select Move from the app menu.

    You'll also find a new Quest in the Preview Dashboard app titled "Move Pins Around!"

    Gamerscore Leaderboard
    The Gamerscore leaderboard is back! To access the Gamerscore leaderboard, launch the Quick Guide (navigate left on the dashboard or double press the Xbox button), highlight your signed in profile, select My profile from the dropdown, and navigate to the Achievements tab.

    Sports in OneGuide
    OneGuide now has its own dedicated Sports area! Sports is consistently one of the most watched type of programming on Xbox One.Consistent with our goal with OneGuide of enabling you to spend less time searching and more time watching, we’ve created a single destination for you to browse Sports video content. Dive into live sports events and programming from both apps and your cable or set-top box provider in the Watch Now and Trending on Live TV sections. View the latest sports clips and highlights from our partners through App Channels.

    You'll also find a new Quest in the Preview Dashboard app titled "OneGuide Sports".


    Blu Ray Discs and DVDs Recognized as Audio CDs
    When inserting a Blu Ray disc or DVD, the console should no longer incorrectly recognize it as an audio CD.

    Known Issues:

    Game Updates
    You may encounter an issue in which game updates start at a high percentage (99-100%) and linger at that percentage for a long time. Unless the game tile displays an error message, the update is being successfully applied, but the progress bar is displaying a higher value than it should.

    If you encounter this issue please submit feedback by holding down the Xbox button on the controller and selecting Report a problem from the power menu.

    Unbekannt Moderator

    Registriert seit:
    3. Nov. 2014
    Punkte für Erfolge:
    Hans-Peter-Legacy gefällt das.
  2. Kommentare (2)
  3. :affe1: huch, wie kann so etwas passieren
  4. Starki :banana:

    Das brauch ich zum Beispiel gar nicht, mir reicht die Sammlerei auf der Playstation. Seit der Xbox achte ich ueberhaupt nicht mehr auf Trophaeen/Archivements.
    Sebastian W. gefällt das.
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